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How Much Should You Pay for Commercial Cleaning Services in the UK?

The average rate of commercial cleaning services in the UK is between £12 and £13 per hour, although the type of property, frequency of service and the size of the area to be cleaned will determine the actual cost. The price of commercial cleaning service in Kent, for example, could be cheaper than that in London, so consider the location when hiring contractors. Companies from a city with a high cost of living will generally charge more than a similar service provider in a rural area.

Commercial Expenses

Some establishments require more frequent cleaning than others due to strict regulations. For instance, restaurants, supermarkets and grocery stores need a cleaning service more often than offices. While offices require less frequent cleaning, most companies choose to do it every week. You could negotiate a deal that allows a fixed rate, which would be more cost-efficient than hiring a new contractor every now and then. The same applies to schools where the health and safety of students should be a priority. In London, some institutions want to install “living walls” to curb air pollution for students’ health and safety.

Innovative Solution

Complying with regulatory standards is not just the main reason to maintain the cleanliness of a commercial property, particularly if exposure to pollution is the main problem. The St. Mary’s Catholic School, for instance, has created a crowdfunding campaign for the installation of living wall and air filters. Proponents say that the planned addition would be useful in tackling the problem. The level of air pollution in London has reached dangerous levels. UK Health Alliance on Climate Change said living walls could enhance the quality of air, which is important to reduce the risk of respiratory illnesses among young students. When hiring contractors, it is best to choose a company that specialises in cleaning certain properties such as schools and offices. How much are you willing to spend on commercial cleaning services?
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