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The Elements of a Comprehensive CRM System Assessment

Man doing CRM on his laptop and smartphoneBefore you go ahead and launch your latest CRM, ensure that you have comprehensively assessed the system. You already started Microdec system recruitment training, so you do not want your new CRM to have a negative impact on the general implementation. This will ensure that everything functions well and guarantees that your data is safe. Here are the areas of the system that you must examine:

Data Quality and Conversions

You most likely handled the majority of your data quality problems ahead and after migration. You should, however, continue to examine this before you launch your recent CRM system. Check whether your CRM has an identical data, if the proper fields are populated, and if your concealed data is truly concealed. Not only that, INEO added that you have to determine if the data is mapping properly and if you saved your updated and new data correctly.


Throughout the execution of the system, you should examine every working aspect of your recent CRM. This is particularly true for point-of-sale (POS) transactions since you have to clarify if you set the access permissions correctly. You also have to confirm if you uploaded the transactions properly and if the transactions that are department-specific properly work.

Reporting and Integration

Afterwards, you have to observe how well your CRM solution forwards the data from or to the external systems. This is where it should be accurate enough to list if the CRM reports and data match with existing records. It should record if the exported reports are in the proper format and if the AND/OR filter properly works. It must even detail if you overlooked fields that do not have any input value and if the labels continuously appear. Furthermore, it must also specify if the proper data shows up when you apply store filters and if these reports display the correct time and date. Keep in mind that any time you repair an issue in your CRM system, you must run the above tests again to determine if it affected other areas.
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