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The Power of Hashtag via Twitter for Better SEO Ranking

SEOTwitter is a convenient way to communicate and increase online presence. All it takes is 140 characters to promote a product, service, or site. How exactly can tweeting give a business better SEO ranking? provides an explanation below:
More Followers, Higher Traffic
If you decide to use social media to establish a business online, remember that the ultimate goal is to generate traffic to your website. If Twitter is the preferred platform, the objective is to get as many followers as possible. The more people following you, the bigger the chances of drawing them to your business site and converting them into customers. To build more followers on Twitter, use the following tips:
  1. Post regularly, even multiple times a day but with enough intervals to avoid spamming.
  2. Share useful information that can draw attention.
  3. Use hashtags for organized posting and to make topics trend.
  4. Engage people. Respond to tweets when needed or at least acknowledge those who share your tweets.
Use Relevant Keywords
Keywords remain critical to search engine optimization. And the more relevant the keyword to your business or product, the more targeted your potential customers who happen to be on Twitter. Use keywords, either with a hashtag or within the post. Provide useful content within those 140 characters and always remember keywords that catch attention or stick to readers’ minds.
Build Authority
Twitter provides the perfect opportunity to build local presence, and eventually authority in your field of expertise. Sharing photos or links of events you organized or participated in within your locality by tweeting will help people recognize who you are and what you advocate for. Make sure that as you increase followers or meet people via the platform, you subtly remind them about your business or service. While Twitter can be quite an effective tool to help improve SEO page ranking, it’s important to be clear about your goals and to put in an effort to achieve this. Learn which strategies will be most effective for your purposes.
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